What Is the Major Difference between a Subcontractor and Material Contract and a Purchase Order


    As a professional, we need to understand the differences between a subcontractor and material contract and a purchase order. These three terms are commonly used in the business world, particularly in contracting and procurement. However, they differ in their purpose, scope, and legal implications. In this article, we will explore these differences and help you understand their practical applications.

    Subcontractor and Material Contract

    The terms subcontractor and material contract refer to two types of agreements between parties in a business transaction. A subcontractor is a person or company hired by a contractor to perform specific tasks or services that are part of a larger project. The subcontractor is responsible for completing the tasks assigned to them and delivering the agreed-upon results. In many cases, subcontractors are experts in their field and can provide specialized services that the contractor cannot.

    On the other hand, a material contract is an agreement between two parties for the supply of goods or materials that are needed to complete a project. The materials could be raw materials, finished goods, or components used in the production process. Material contracts typically specify the quantity, quality, and price of the goods or materials to be supplied.

    The main difference between a subcontractor and a material contract is that the former involves services while the latter involves goods or materials. Subcontractors are typically hired for their skills and expertise, while material contracts are focused on the delivery of physical goods. However, both types of agreements are essential in completing a project, and they may be used together in the same project.

    Purchase Order

    A purchase order, on the other hand, is a document used to initiate a transaction between a buyer and a seller. It is a legally binding contract that outlines the details of the purchase, including the product or service to be delivered, the quantity, the price, and the delivery date. A purchase order is typically used when a business needs to purchase goods or services from a supplier, and it serves as a formal agreement between the two parties.

    The main difference between a purchase order and a subcontractor or material contract is that a purchase order is a one-time transaction, while the other two are ongoing relationships. A purchase order is used for a specific purchase, and once the goods or services are delivered, the transaction is complete. On the other hand, a subcontractor or material contract is an ongoing agreement that involves multiple transactions.


    In summary, understanding the differences between a subcontractor and material contract and a purchase order is essential for anyone involved in business transactions. A subcontractor is a person or company hired to perform specific tasks or services, while a material contract is an agreement for the supply of goods or materials. A purchase order is a document used to initiate a transaction for a specific purchase. By understanding the purpose, scope, and legal implications of each of these agreements, businesses can ensure that they are entering into the right type of agreement for their needs.