Learning Agreement Uva


    As a student or researcher, a learning agreement is one of the critical components of your academic journey. The University of Amsterdam (UVA) offers a comprehensive framework to help students quickly create a customized learning agreement that suits their academic needs.

    What is a Learning Agreement?

    A learning agreement is a written agreement between you, as a student or researcher, and your academic institution. It outlines the specific details of your academic program, including the courses you will take, the goals you want to achieve, and the evaluation methods used to assess your progress. In essence, a learning agreement helps to ensure that you are on track to achieve your academic goals.

    Why is a Learning Agreement Necessary?

    In addition to being a valuable tool for mapping your academic career, a learning agreement also serves several other purposes. These include:

    1. Credit Transfer: Your learning agreement provides a clear record of the credits you have earned for each of your courses, which can be used to transfer to other institutions in the future.

    2. Clear Expectations: A learning agreement ensures that both you, as the student, and your academic institution, are clear on what is expected of each other. This helps to ensure that you stay on track throughout your academic program.

    3. Future Planning: Your learning agreement also allows you to plan ahead for future semesters or academic years, ensuring that you are taking the right courses at the right time.

    How to Create a Learning Agreement at UVA

    Creating a learning agreement at UVA is a straightforward process. The first step is to consult with your program coordinator to learn more about the specific requirements of your academic program. From there, you can fill out the learning agreement form provided by the university.

    In the learning agreement form, you will need to provide information on the courses you plan to take, the expected credits, the evaluation methods, and any other relevant details. Once you have filled out the form, your academic advisor will review it and provide feedback before finalizing the agreement.


    A learning agreement is a valuable tool for any student or researcher at UVA. It helps to ensure that you stay on track with your academic goals and provides a clear record of your progress throughout your academic program. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can quickly create a customized learning agreement that suits your needs and helps you achieve your academic goals.