Bcgeu Collective Agreement Corrections


    BCGEU Collective Agreement Corrections: Ensuring Accuracy and Fairness

    As someone involved in the world of labor unions and collective agreements, you understand just how crucial it is to have every detail of such agreements mapped out accurately. This ensures that all parties involved can operate within the boundaries of the agreement and that all workers receive the fair treatment they deserve.

    However, even with the best intentions and most thorough review processes in place, errors can still occur in collective agreements. The British Columbia Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) recently faced such an issue, requiring corrections to be made to their collective agreement.

    Here’s what you need to know about the issue and the importance of ensuring accuracy and fairness in collective agreements.

    The Situation with BCGEU

    In February 2021, the BCGEU discovered errors in their collective agreement with the Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS). Specifically, the agreement seemingly excluded the employer’s obligation to provide designated paid holidays to the employees. This error would have resulted in a significant loss of benefits for the workers.

    Recognizing the severity of the situation, BCGEU quickly worked to rectify the issue and ensure that all affected employees received the benefits they were entitled to. They met with FVACFSS to discuss the matter, and ultimately, a corrections agreement was signed to add the missing paid holidays to the collective agreement.

    The Importance of Collective Agreement Accuracy

    This situation with BCGEU and FVACFSS underscores the importance of accuracy in collective agreements. These agreements serve as the foundation for employer-employee relationships and outline the terms and conditions of employment. As such, they must be drafted and implemented with precision to ensure that all parties are aware of their responsibilities and rights.

    Any errors in a collective agreement can have serious consequences for employees, such as lost benefits, lower wages, and reduced job security. In addition to being detrimental to individual employees, errors in collective agreements can lead to costly legal battles, which can ultimately harm the employer as well.

    As a professional, it’s your responsibility to ensure that all collective agreements are written accurately and clearly. This means carefully reviewing the document for errors and ambiguity and ensuring that all relevant laws and regulations are taken into account.


    The recent situation with BCGEU and FVACFSS highlights the importance of ensuring accuracy and fairness in collective agreements. Any errors can have significant consequences for employees, employers, and the entire industry. By taking the time to review and revise collective agreements, we can ensure that they serve their intended purpose and protect the rights of all those involved.